Art Fair
Paul, Palm Springs and Pooh Bear
Betzi Stein
Artist Statement
I'm a representational figurative painter depicting images that I observe from the people I see in everyday life. I start by photographing folks around me, preferably but not always, unobserved by them. I usually focus on small groups of two or three and notice the humorous similarities that invariably evolve out of regular interactions between family members, working partners, friends and lovers.
An ongoing series of Hand Portraits stems from my 30-year career as a Massage Therapist. My hands allow me to “see” my clients in a way that my eyes cannot. I find myself looking at peoples’ hands even before seeing their faces. It seems, at least to me, that hands tell a person's real story and I am drawn to portraying them.
Portraiture has always been an important part of my art making and I’m always delighted to receive commissions that allow me to reach beyond a mere likeness of my subject to bring something deeper to the canvas.